Intellectual Curiosity, Mentorship , Collaboration
Stock Pitches
Our members conduct extensive research on publicly traded securities with the goal to sharpen analytical skills Our pitch teams are compromised of junior and senior analysts headed by a portfolio manager to ensure collaboration on all levels.
Market Updates
Junior and Senior analysts write detailed market updates spanning global market movements to recent merger and acquisition deals to the entire organization and alumni with the purpose to strengthen financial acumen and encourage insightful debates.
Active Portfolio Management
TST runs an active fund in order to complement our curriculum and create a sense ownership of our investment ideas among current members and alumni. Our pitches are based on strong fundamental analysis with robust investment theses.
Junior Analyst Curriculum
Our Junior Analysts participate in a year long curriculum spanning basic and intermediate accounting, valuation methods, and other advanced topics curated by upperclassmen with extensive academic and industry experience. We emphasize combining both theory and practice to create an extensive curriculum.
Personalized Mentorship
Our members embody a culture of giving back by fostering mentorship in all professional, personal and academic aspects. Our junior analysts are paired with an upperclassmen that has navigated various academic and professional settings throughout their college career.
Beyond our academic and professional pursuits, we make sure all members get to truly know each other to strengthen our tight-knit culture. From org wide socials to grabbing food in a one on one setting, our members build up long lasting bonds that continue throughout college and beyond.